Meet and Talk - Dialogue System

- Version: 1.7.0a
- Author: Tiny Slime Studio
- Created: 01 March, 2023
- Update: 08 August, 2024
- File Size: ~25 MB
- Unity Versions: 2021.3.17+
Getting Started
Create a new 3D project.
From the toolbar, select
Window -> Package Manager
to open the Package Manager
From Droplist Packages: select
My Assets
and search Meet and Talk
, download and install
Once installed, the assets are ready to be installed

Start Node
The Start Node is used to initiate a dialogue. If you want the dialogue to begin from one of several predefined points, add multiple Start Nodes.Version | Value | Description |
Pro | Start ID | OPIS |

Dialogue Node
The Dialogue Node is a fundamental node for displaying text. It allows assigning the speaker for the current line, associating an audio clip, and setting display time.Version | Value | Description |
Free | Audio Clip | Audio played when the node begins. |
Free | Character SO | Name of the character delivering the dialogue. |
Pro | Avatar Position | Character Avatar Position, Left, Right, or No Avatar Display |
Pro | Avatar Emotion | One of the available Character Emotion options |
Free | Displayed Text | Text displayed when the node begins. |
Free | Display Time |
Time after which it automatically transitions to the next node.
[if 0, manual transition is required] |

Choice Node
The Choice Node functions similarly to the Dialogue Node, but the player must select one of the available responses.Version | Value | Description |
Free | Audio Clip | Audio played when the node begins. |
Free | Character SO | Name of the character delivering the dialogue. |
Pro | Avatar Position | Character Avatar Position, Left, Right, or No Avatar Display |
Pro | Avatar Emotion | One of the available Character Emotion options |
Free | Displayed Text | Text displayed when the node begins. |
Free | Time to Display Option | Time after which the options will be displayed. |
To add options, click + Add Choice Option in the top right corner of the Node.

End Node
The End Node is used to conclude a dialogue, but it has several additional optionsVersion | Options | Description |
Free | End | Ends the Dialogue |
Free | Repeat | Repeats the last displayed Node |
Free | Go Back | Repeats the second-to-last displayed Node |
Free | Return To Start | Returns to a random Start Node |
Pro | Start Dialogue | Start New Dialogue from DialogueContainerSO |

Pro Timer Choice Node
The Timer Choice Node works similarly to the Choice Node, but if the player does not select a response within a specified time, the system will automatically proceed to the assigned nodeValue | Description |
Audio Clip | Audio played when the node begins. |
Character SO | Name of the character delivering the dialogue. |
Avatar Position | Character Avatar Position, Left, Right, or No Avatar Display |
Avatar Emotion | One of the available Character Emotion options |
Displayed Text | Text displayed when the node begins. |
Time to Display Option | Time after which the options will be displayed. |
Time to Make Decision | Time player has to make a decision |
To add choices, you need to click + Add Choice Option in the top right corner of the Node

Pro Event Node
The Event Node does not display any information for the player but is used to execute assigned events.To add a new Event, you need to click the + Add Event option in the top corner of the Node and assign a previously created event to it or automatically create an event from the Node's position.

Pro Random Node
The Random Node has a simple task; when executed, it randomly selects a different Node.To add a Random dialog, you need to click the + Add Option option in the upper right corner of the node and assign the next Node to it.

Pro IF Node
If Node checks whether the selected value with the given requirements returns true or false.
Pro Comment Node
The Commend Node is used for creating comments in the editor. It can help in organizing large dialogs and make it easier to identify which part of the dialog it is.New Dialogue
In the Hierarchy tab, right-click, in the pop-up window hover over the Create
option, hover over the Dialog
option and click New Dialogue
Double-click on the created dialogue to edit it
You will open the dialog editing window, at the beginning you must add start Node, and at the end of the dialog you must give end node
You can have more than one end of the dialog and at each end you must give end node
At the End you have to write the changes in the Dialog in the upper left corner of the editor
Create New Character
In the Hierarchy Tab, right-click, and in the pop-up window click Create -> Dialogue -> New Dialogue Character
In the Inspector tab, you will see all the options available for the character
Version | Value | Description |
Free | Character Name | Here you set the name in each available language |
Pro | Use Global Value as Name | Toggle enabling the ability to assign a dynamic character name |
Pro | Dynamic Character Name | List of Strings with Global Value that is to appear as character name |
Free | Text Color | Here you set the color that the character's name should have |
Setup Dialogue UI
To set up the Dialogue UI, you need to drag the Meet and Talk
Prefab from the Assets -> Meet and Talk -> Example
folder into the scene where you want to use the Dialogue System
The Prefab can also be dragged, for example, into a player prefab, allowing for faster usage across multiple scripts
Dialogue Manager
Dialogue Manager is responsible for processing the Dialogue File
Referring to this script, you can change the dialog, the current UI, and also initiate the dialog
Version | Value | Description |
Free | Localization Manager | Scriptable Object containing language settingsAssets/Meet and Talk/Resources/Languages.asset |
Free | Audio Source | Audio Source from which sound will be played |
Free | Main UI | Default UI that displays when the dialogue is started |
Free | Start Dialogue Event() | Unity Event executed when starting the Dialogue |
Free | End Dialogue Event() | Unity Event executed when ending the Dialogue |
Dialogue UI Manager
It is Assigned to each UI individually, it is where you need to assign UI Elements to a Script and you can change several UI behaviors when playing Dialogues
Version | Value | Description |
Pro | Enable Type Writing | Enables Type Writing Animation |
Pro | Typing Speed | Typing Speed for Type Writing Animation (CPS - characters per second) |
Free | Show Separate Name | Allows the Character Name to be displayed separately from the dialogue text |
Pro | Clear Name Color | Clears the Character Name from formatting |
Free | Name Text Box | Text Box Where character name is displayed |
Free | Text Box | Text box where dialogue text is displayed |
Free | Dialogue Canvas | Main UI Object |
Free | Timer Slider | Slider indicating the choice time |
Free | Skip Button | Button object skipping Dialog |
Free | Sprite Left | The object containing the Component Image displaying the Sprite on the left Side |
Free | Sprite Right | The object containing the Component Image displaying the Sprite on the right Side |
Free | Button Prefab | Button Prefab used for choices |
Free | Button Container | Object where buttons appear |
Pro | Hide If Left Avatar Empty | Lets you hide items when the Left Avatar is not displayed |
Pro | Hide If Right Avatar Empty | Lets you hide items when the Right Avatar is not displayed |
Pro | Hide If Choice Empty | Lets you hide items when Selection Options are not displayed |
Using Dialogue in the Game
To set up Dialogue for a scene, you need to go through a few steps:
1. Setup UI
You need to prepare the Dialogue UI as described in this part of the documentation [Setup Dialogue UI]
2. Interaction Object
To use the dialogue, you must have a prepared object in the scene that can trigger the dialogue. For the purposes of the demo and documentation, I will describe an example using TriggerArea.cs, but it could be a different
script allowing the use of Unity Events, for example: InteractionScript.cs in Hellish Battle - 2.5D Retro FPS
DemoInteraction.cs or TriggerArea.cs in Meet and Talk
3. Start Dialogue
To call a dialog you must first set the appropriate dialog as default and start it, to do this you can use several methods:
Quick Start Dialogue
With one function you can call the Selected Dialogue
DialogueManager .StartDialogue (DialogueContainer SO );
NoteSelected option starts Dialogue from random Start Node
Setup first then Start
Assign Selected Dialog first then Call Random Dialog Start
DialogueManager .SetupDialogue (DialogueContainer SO );
DialogueManager .StartDialogue ();
NoteSelected option starts Dialogue from random Start Node
ProSetup first then Start (from Start ID)
Assign Selected Dialogue first and then Call Specific Dialogue Start
DialogueManager .SetupDialogue (DialogueContainer SO );
DialogueManager .StartDialogue (string );
In Start Dialogue you need to enter the Start ID located in the Dialogue, if such ID does not exist then a random start will be called
NoteCalling this function in the Free version will cause a random start to be started
Calling in the Script
If we want to create our own Script that deals with starting the Dialogue, we can use the following function:
DialogueManager .SetupDialogue (DialogueContainer SO DialogueSO, string StartID);
Change Dialogue UI In-Game
With a simple function you can change the UI used for dialogues, it can be called in UnityEvent or in Script
DialogueManager .SetupUI (DialogueUIManager );
NoteUI cannot be changed during Dialogue
Localization settings can be found in Project Settings -> Meet and Talk -> Localization
Adding a New Language
To add a new language, in the Available Language List
click the + Icon
This will add a new language to the list, then you need to select the language you want to add from the list
At the very end, you need to click Generate C# Enum
Note In future updates Generate C# Enum will happen automatically
Managing Localization with Code
// Get Localization Settings
LocalizationManager .Instance ;
// Get Actual Language
LocalizationManager .Instance .SelectedLang ();
// Change Actual Language
LocalizationManager .Instance .selectedLang = SystemLanguage .Polish;
Global Value
To open Global Value, go to Edit -> Project Settings
and then find the tab
Meet and Talk -> Global Value Manager
There will be 4 tabs Int
, Float
, Bool
and String
in these tabs you can add and edit variables
Value | Description |
Name | We refer to a specific variable |
Value | The current value of the variable saved with PlayerPrefs |
Default Value | Value set during Reset/Create Variable |
Pro New Event
If you want to create a new event You need to create a new event script, where you write your event code
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu (menuName = "Dialogue/Event/YOUR_NAME" )]
[System .Serializable ]
public class YOUR_NAME_Event : DialogueEventSO
public override void RunEvent()
// Your Code Here
In the Hierarchy tab, right-click, in the pop-up window hover over the Create
option, hover over the Dialog
option, hover over the Event
option and click YOUR_NAME
Now you can edit Event values directly in the Editor, after assigning an EventSO
below you will see a list of all the supported values you can edit
Supported Values Type:
Int Float String Bool Enum Color Gradient Object Animation Curve Vector 2 Vector 2 Int Vector 3 Vector 3 Int Vector 4
Pro New Character Emotion
In Character SO, you can assign avatars that you can display during dialogue. To add new emotions, you need to open
. At the very bottom of the script, there's an enum named AvatarType. Here, you can add new emotions.
Remember to assign them an ID, which must be the next number after the last variable.
After saving, new fields with the added emotions will be automatically added to the created CharacterSO.
Remember to add left and right sprites for each of the available emotions.
Pro Use Global Value in Dialogue
To use Global Value in Dialog, you need to write {VARIABLE}
in Dialogue, Choice or Timer Choice Node, so that when you fire up Dialog, the desired variable is displayed
For the moment, Dialogue can display Int
, Float
, Bool
and String
For Int and Float variables, we can write {VARIABLE, Value}
, which will display the number that remains after changing the Variable by a given value, or how much the Variable is missing to reach the Value
Pro Import / Export Text
The data is saved to a .tsv file that can be easily opened in, for example, Excel, Word, etc.
From update 1.5.0a there is an option to export and import localization of dialogues. the option is available in Dialogue Editor
and in Inspector
Pro Auto Translate
To start using Auto Translate You need to enter one of the two available API Keys (DeepL or Google Translate), to get them you need to create an account on the chosen platform and go through the account creation process
Both accounts in the free version have the same number of available characters to use in a given month [500K/Month]

If we already have one of the API Keys set, we can go to DialogueContainerSO, after clicking on it in the inspector the editor will open with the Translate Dialog

NoteRemember to close the Dialogue Editor [This requirement will disappear in the next update]
NoteAuto Translate only translates from English to other languages and when the field in the other language is empty (This allows you to save a large part of the character limit for the API Key)
After clicking Translate Dialog the entire dialogue will be translated
Pro Save Dialogue Progress
To set Dialogue Progress Saving, you must open the selected DialogueContainerSO in the inspector dialogue

Two options will appear in the Dialogue Settings tab
Value | Description |
Allow Dialogue Save | Allows saving Progress Dialogue |
Blocking Reopening Dialogue | Sets the behavior when trying to open a Dialog after it has been completed (Save at Any End Node)IF True prevents the selected dialog from being reopenedIF False Starts Dialogue according to selected option [See Use Dialogue In-Game] |
Hellish Battle Integration

Hellish Battle - 2.5D Retro FPS supports Freeand Pro Version
The only thing you need to do to integrate Meet and Talk and Hellish Battle, you need to install Meet and Talk in the Project where Hellish Battle is located
Setup Dialog
To Add Dialogue to your scene, you must, in the InteractionScript.cs
in the WhenInteraction() field, add the appropriate script call which is described here
[Use Dialogue in Game]
Ultimate Horror FPS Kit

Ultimate Horror FPS Kit supports Freeand Pro Version
The integration with Ultimate Horror FPS Kit has been made possible thanks to the generosity of ThunderWire, who provided instructions for integrating their asset with mine.
To access the integration instructions for UHFPS with Meet and Talk, please refer to the UHFPS documentation (link below) to go through all the steps:
[Ultimate Horror FPS Documentation]
[Ultimate Horror FPS Asset Store]
More Templates
See what has been added, changed in updates.
Do you want to check what will be in the next update? check it out for the always up-to-date roadmap: Trello
Version 1.7.0a 08 August, 2024
- Added Pro Dialogue Save Option
- Added Pro One-Click Dialogue Translation
- Added Pro Hide UI Elements in Dialogue
- Update Pro Improved DialogueContainer Editor
- Added Free Dynamic UI Change
- Added Free New Script Icons
- Update Free Improved Demo Scene
- Fix Free Fix Skip Audio
- Fix Free Fix Build Settings
- Fix Free Fix Missing Script
Version 1.6.0a 29 May, 2024
- Added Pro End Option: Start New Dialogue
- Update Pro Improved Event SO
- Added Free Dialogue Editor Validation
- Added Free Migrate to MeetAndTalk namespace
- Update Free Improved Hellish Battle Integration
Version 1.5.0a 03 April, 2024
- Added Pro Import / Export Text
- Added Free 3 New UI Demo
- Added Free Updated Dialogue Manager UI
- Added Free Locking Option to Open Editor in Play Mode
Version 1.4.0b 02 February, 2024
- Updated Pro Change Font to Cube Cavern
Version 1.4.0a 26 January, 2024
- Added Pro If Node
- Added Pro Global Value Event
- Added Pro Global Value in Dialogue
- Added Pro Hide Private Value in Event Node
- Added Free Global Value (Int, Float, Bool, String)
- Added Free Global Value UI
Version 1.3.0a 02 September, 2023
- Added Pro Character Avatar
- Added Pro Avatar Emotions
- Added Pro Type Writing Support Rich Text
- Added Free Auto Save Dialogue
- Added Free Hide Skip Button on Choice
- Fix Fix Link Break Error
Version 1.2.0a 25 August, 2023
- Added Pro Command Node
- Added Pro Random Node
- Added Pro Start ID
- Added Pro Typing Animation
- Added Free Click Button to next Dialog
- Added Free Better Naming
Version 1.1.0a 25 May, 2023
- Added Pro Better Event Node
- Added Free Random Start Node
- Added Free Selectable Editor Theme
- Added Free Possibility of not using the character's name with dialogues
- Added Free Add New Font DigitalDisco.ttf
- Fix Fix Warning when dialog didn't have audio
Version 1.0.0b 07 April, 2023
- Integration Free Hellish Battle Integration
- Added Free Skil Button
- Fix Free Fix Few Bugs
Version 1.0.0a 01 March, 2023
- Added Free Dialogue Window
- Added Free Start Node
- Added Free End Node
- Added Free Dialogue Node
- Added Free Choice Node
- Added Free Character SO
- Added Free Localization
- Added Free Audio
- Added Pro Timer Choice Node
- Added Pro Event Node
- Added Pro Dialogue SO Custom Editor